MINT Fintech Hackathon

Fall '23 Cycle

About the Hackathon


MINT Fintech Hackathon is a four-day journey in which the beneficiaries will be exposed to different instructional tools such as workshops, mentorship and experience-sharing sessions at MINT HUB. During the Hackathon, the 10-12 selected ideas will gain extensive knowledge and experience from a niche coalition of market leaders & experts as well as mentorship sessions in the different business aspects within the scope of the hackathon theme “Fintech” to support the development of the selected ideas.

By the end of the hackathon, we aim to prepare

the selected entrepreneurs to be able to;


  • Identify Fintech challenges and opportunities
  • Increase the awareness of the importance and impact of the Fintech solutions
  • Create innovative solutions after identifying specific problems or challenges within the context of Fintech
  • Build a strong pitch deck for their ideas
  • Network with experts & key business players in the Fintech industry
  • Build Innovative and entrepreneurial Mindset in participated entrepreneurs
  • Receive technical & effective insights from the mentors, experts & judging panel along the days of the hackathon
  • Receive constructive feedback on their pitching and pitch decks from experts, mentors, and the team

The Challenge

Access to Payment Solutions: Creating new payment solutions for e-commerce, mobile payments, and peer-to-peer transactions.


Eligibility Criteria


  • Teams of 3-5.
  • Falls between 18-35 years old.
  • The team should have at least one member with tech background.
  • The presentation and submission should be submitted in English.

Judging Criteria


  • Clear integration between the challenge and fintech.
  • The solution has a direct impact on the proposed challenge.
  • The solution is unconventional and could disrupt the market.
  • The solution is applicable and scalable.

Prizes & Awards


 Winning teams will be fast-tracked to Fall ’23 MINT Incubation cycle.


  • The first team will win EGP 25K.
  • The second team will win EGP 20K.
  • The third team will win EGP 15K.