Company Brief

Netsahem is an online donation-network platform aimed to facilitate the donation process for NGOs and those in need in different areas. Netsahem collects data from charities in remote areas all over Egypt, giving them more exposure to a wider range of donors.

Product Brief

Netsahem helps donors give back to locally driven, non-profit organizations in Egypt with just a click. The platform allows donors to filter cases by area, type of charity and specific need. It also allows donors to follow up on the progress of the causes they choose to donate to.

Target Market

Netsahem targets tech savvy donors, corporate employees, and community contributors with the interest to donate through online channels as well as registered and licensed NGOs with a cause and charity projects in need of funding.

Our Team

Mohamed Yehia

- Business Developer

Hussam Samir

- Art Director

Mahmoud Sabry

- Web Developer



Year Established

