Company Brief

PARKSMART aims to reduce the daily hassle Egyptian motorists go through almost every day of  finding a vacant parking slot in Egypt’s congested streets.

Product Brief

PARKSMART is an AI and IoT parking management system that collects real time parking data, with a user-friendly mobile app that enables motorists to instantly locate and navigate to the nearest vacant parking slot, based on their location or desired destination. PARKSMART’s system could be implemented anywhere; universities, shopping malls, parking garages, residential compounds, business parks, etc., providing real-time parking availability for in-door parking areas or on-street parking areas.

Target Market

PARKSMART’s B2B/B2G target market includes business entities such as universities, residential compounds, shopping malls, business parks, parking garages; and governmental entities for on-street parking, in need of a parking management system.

As for the B2C model, PARKSMART targets motorists in need of finding a vacant parking slot.

Our Team

Diaa Alaa

- Founder & CEO

Essam Salah

- Co-founder & CTO

Mohamed Rashad

- Co-founder & Software & Machine Learning Engineer


Parking Management

Year Established